Baby Girl Names



Qurb is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means closeness, nearness, proximity.

Qurrah is an Arabic name for girls that means consolation, comfort, a child that brings comfort to her parents and removes their sadness and worries.

Happiness, Laughter, Joy and Delight

Delights of the eye, darling.

Cooling or delight of the eye, joy, pleasure, darling, sweetheart.


Qusaimah is an Arabic name for girls that means fortune, ones share of lifes good things. It is the diminutive form of Qismah.


Daughter of Sayfi al-Ansari, she was a companion.

A woman student of Hadith who quoted the female companions and daughter of Haram had this name.

Power and Strength

Name of Residing peacefully, Name of a Sahabiyyah(RA), Name of a saint who is known as Rabiah Basriyyah.

A bounding in green foliage. Name of a Sahabi who took part in the battle of Badr.


High, exalted, wealthy.

A travelling woman.

Merciful, Compassionate, Pitying

Leader, pioneer.

Beautiful princess, pretty priness.

Horse rider


Of elegant, statue, soft, lovely, beautiful, graceful, delicate.

(Urdu) A queen.

Rightly guided, Having the true faith

Pious, follower of the right path.

Transmitter (of ancient Arabic poetry)

Pleased, Satisfied, Willing

(Raadiyah) Agreed, willing, satisfied, pleased.

 Rabaa is an Arabic name for girls that means grace, kindness, favor.

White cloud in the sky, Usually two-stringed instrument.

A musical instrument

Cool breeze of spring season

Spring time, garden, One who is well-versed.

A bounding in green foliage.

Queen. Rabeeba is an Arabic name for girls that means queen, one who is under oath, one who has given a promise.It also mean step-daughter. Many Arabic names have multiple different meanings. You can choose a name for its good meaning and ignore the meanings you do not like.

Rabeehah is an Arabic name for girls that means winner.

pring, Spring time, The fourth. Rabia Basri, name of a saint who lived in Basrah, Fem. of Rabi.

Garden, springtime

Garden, springtime

Winner, gainer, fem. Rabih.

Rabihaat is an Arabic name for girls that means winners, acquirers, those who make a profit. It is the plural of Rabihah.

Rabihah is an Arabic name for girls that means winner, acquirer, one who makes a profit.

Band, link nexus.

Spring, springtime, garden, Princess, Queen fem. of Rabi.



Rabwah is an Arabic name for girls that means highland, small hill, hilly area.

well guided

Content, satisfied, pleased, delighted

Pleasant, satisfied