Behshad is a Persian name for boys that means happy and good, happy and virtuous.
Behtash is a Persian-Turkish name for boys that means good friend, good companion.
Honest and caring
Bekir is the Turkish spelling of the Arabic boy name Bakr and has the same meaning (new, untouched).
Satisfies thirst, also it is the Name of the Prophet’s Muezzin (one who calls the islamic call for prayer)
The Prophet Yusuf (as) brothers name
Fun, eid, enjoyment.
Beginning and Inception
Persian ancient hero of legend
Persian ancient hero of legend
Bikr is an Arabic name for boys that means virgin.
Water, moisture, freshness, river, sea. A Sahabi i.e. the companion of Prophet Muhammad.
Satisfies thirst, billal was he name of a black slave who ecsepted islam later became the 1st Muezzin (one who calls for prayer) of islam
Wise, far-sighted.
Name of the brother of Prophet Yusuf.
Birjees is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means Jupiter (the largest planet of the Solar System).
Good Deed.
Biryar is a Kurdish name for boys that means decision, resolution.
Bisharah is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means good news, good tidings.
Joy, happiness, cheerfulness.
Bishry is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means optimistic, cheerful, glad.
Happy news
Bizhan is a Persian name for boys. It is the name of a Persian hero mentioned in the Shahnameh, son of Gheev and Banu Gushasb (daughter of Rustam).
Bodaad is an Arabic name for boys that means share, a persons share of anything.
Bokhur is an Arabic name for boys that means incense, woods and oils that are burned for their scent.
Borna is a Persian name for boys that means young, brave.
Borumand is a Persian name for boys that means productive, powerful, well-guided, blessed.
Borzan is a Persian name for boys that means great, magnificent.
Borzou is a Persian name for boys that means high in status, it is the name of the son of Sohrab, son of Rustam e Zal in Persian mythology. The origin of the name is the Avestan language.
Boshry is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means gladness, happiness.
Variant transcription of BUTRUS
Arabic form of Paul
Arabic form of PETER, Variant transcription of BUTRUS
Bozorg is a Persian name for boys that means great, important, magnificent, chief.
Bozorgmehr is a Persian name for boys. It was the name of an adviser to the Persian emperor Anushiravan. The name itself is formed from Bozorg (great) and mehr (kindness, mercy).
Proofs (Arguments), Plural of Burhaan
Budaid is an Arabic name for boys that means example, sample, specimen.
Name of a companion of the Prophet
Budair is an Arabic name for boys that means little full moon, it is the diminutive form of Badr (full moon).
Budaiwi is an Arabic name for boys that means little Bedouin. It is the diminutive form of Badawi.
Name of a companion of the Prophet
Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God
Moon and Moonlight.Budur is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means full moons. It is the plural of Badr.
Sea, Ocean and River
Sea, Ocean and River