Baby Boy Names



Zawri is an Arabic name for boys that means intelligent, firm of will.

 Honour, right, share, place.

Beauty, prettiness.

Superabundance, plentiful, Increase, growth

Growth and increase.

Growth and Progress

Friendly and Hospitable

 Tourist, who visits holy places

 Increasing, growing.

Zayid is a Muslim baby boy name. You can see Arabic, Bangla, Urdu, Hindi spellings of Zayid. Also you find more 1,000 top Muslim trendy and unique baby boy names like Zayid.

Zayir is an Arabic name for boys that means roaring lion if derived from the Z-HAMZ-R root. It can also be a simplified version of Zaair, derived from the Z-W-R root, which means one visits [someone].

Zayir is a Muslim baby boy name. You can see Arabic, Bangla, Urdu, Hindi spellings of Zayir. Also you find more 1,000 top Muslim trendy and unique baby boy names like Zayir.

beauty, grace in Arabic.

Ornament of the worshipers (of Allah), Best of the worshipers (of Allah)

Oil trader


Beauty, decoration, decorum.

 Allahs gift

Mercury, silver.


 Pompous, A high standard, High in dignity, Splendid, Magnificent



Prince, the honest and kind. Peace and truth

 Without Fear.

(Zaahir), Apparent, evident , One of the attributesof Allah Almighty.

Deer, Thick sand


Helper, Strong back bone

Hail, dew, frost

Deep, penetrating, acute of mind

Intelligent, Clever, Good character

Kind of spear.

Light of the religion i.e. Islam.

 Super abundance, Variant transcription of ZIYAD

Super abundance



Splendor, light

Ziauddin is an Arabic name for boys that means light of the faith, radiance of the faith, a person who inspires and guides the Muslims.

Growth and Progress

 Brilliant, shining

 Shadow of Allah.

 Zimr is an Arabic name for boys that means brave, courageous, intelligent, sensible.

song of praise

 Zimran is the name of one of the sons of Prophet Ibrahim peace be upon him, according to the Bible, whose offspring settled in the area of moden-day Hijaz in Saudi Arabia. This name may also be related to Zabran, which is another name for the city of Jeddah between Mecca and Madina.

Arabic for fierce warrior. Literally means one who brings harm. The name of a Sahabi, whose full name is Zirar bin al-Azwar.


Derived from Arabic (diya) meaning “splendour, light, glow, brilliancy”.

Radiance, Light, Shines Brilliantly.

Ziyaa is a Muslim baby girl name. You can see Arabic, Bangla, Urdu, Hindi spellings of Ziyaa. Also you find more 1,000 top Muslim trendy and unique baby girl names like Ziyaa.

popular Arab name ,An advantage

Respect, Right.

Ziyaam is a Muslim baby boy name. You can see Arabic, Bangla, Urdu, Hindi spellings of Ziyaam. Also you find more 1,000 top Muslim trendy and unique baby boy names like Ziyaam.

Abundance, Increase, addition, surplus.