Baby Boy Names




Sushiant is a Persian name for boys that means helper, rescuer.

Good Luck

Good luck

Suwaib is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means reward, recompense. It is the diminutive form of Sawab

Suwaibih is an Arabic name for boys that means bright, fresh.

Suwaibir is an Arabic name for boys that means patient, enduring. It is a diminutive form of Sabir.

Suwaidan is an Arabic name for boys that means great, respected and honorable, noble.

Suwaidin is an Arabic name for boys that means maintainer of the Kaaba. It is a diminutive form of Saadin.

Suwaidis is an Arabic name for boys that means sixth, especially a sixth child.

Suwaif is an Arabic name for boys that means patient, enduring.

Suwaih is an Arabic name for boys that means one who fasts, one who travels in the service of God.

Suwaihir is an Arabic name for boys that means one who stays up during the night, such as to take care of a sick person or child.

Suwailim is an Arabic name for boys that means safe and sound, whole, unharmed.

Suwaim is an Arabic name for boys that means gold. It also means bamboo, reed.

Suwar is an Arabic name for boys that means good scent, container of musk.

Roof over path, alley between houses


Suwayhil is an Arabic name for boys that means gentle, lenient.

True, right.


Helper, Beneficial

Curing, Healing


Whole, Perfect

Name of a month

 Someone that gives goodness, Priority to pay first

Loving, Sympathy

Blade of religion’s sword

A person that died for Islam, Witness


Overcast and snowy weather

Name of an Islamic figure


Choosing a ripe date fruit

Cleric assistant

High Position


Name of a tribe

Nobleness, Respectful

Nobility, Good descendant, Respectful

Religion’s Nobility



Always in control

Falling star, Twinkling star



Open heart
