



She was the daughter of al-Aswad and a narrator of Hadith.

Kind, merciful.

Steady, confident

It is the name of one of the daughters of the Prophet, it means one who Allah loves

Rukhaa is an Arabic name for girls that means soft breeze.

Female sheep. Name of a Sahabi who took part in the battle of Badr.

This is also a male name.

(Persian) Name of a girl.

Cheek, Face.


Rukhsar Cheeks.

The name give you a very charming nature that can make a good impression on people.


Rukhsanah is a Muslim baby girl name. You can see Arabic, Bangla, Urdu, Hindi spellings of Rukhsanah. Also you find more 1,000 top Muslim trendy and unique baby girl names like Rukhsanah.


Loving, charming face, beautiful.

Bright, brilliant, shining.

Beautiful, persian princess ,Light, brilliant.


Old Arabic name.

Old Arabic name

Bunch of flowers

Peace maker,Sahabiya

Rumaisah is an Arabic name for girls that means wind that scatters dust and hides tracks and footprints.

Old Arabic name

Romantic, loving

Old Arabic name

She was Umm Sulaym and a narrator of Hadith.

The daughter of al’Hadis bin al’Tufayl al’Azdiyah was known by this name, she was a narrator of Hadith

Old Arabic Muslim name

Beautiful Stone

 Pl. of Rummana, pomegranate.


The name of Rummana contains within it an intense emotional power that could drive you to put forth great effort to accomplish your ambitions and to do something noteworthy and worthwhile.

Rummana is a Muslim baby girl name. You can see Arabic, Bangla, Urdu, Hindi spellings of Rummana. Also you find more 1,000 top Muslim trendy and unique baby girl names like Rummana.

A pomegranate.

Sixth month

Runak is a Kurdish name for girls that means radiant, brilliant.

Pretty, beautiful.

Name of the Prophet

Gentle, Daughter of the Prophet (pbuh)

 A name of some prominent women.

Charming, Attractive, Captivating, Wife of the third Caliph of Islam (Usman), Daughter of the Holy Prophet (pbuh)

Gentle, name of the daughter of the Prophet

Gentle; name of the daughter of the Prophet

Ruqayyat is an Arabic name for girls that means elevated, high in rank and status. It is a plural of Ruqayyah.

Gentle, name of the daughter of the Prophet

Charm, spell.

Ruqayya (Arabic: رقيّة‎‎) (also spelled Ruqaiya, Ruqayyah, Ruqaiyyah, Ruqaya, Rukaiya etc.) is an Arabic female given name It is derived either from Arabic رقى (ruqia) meaning “rise, ascent” or from رقية (ruqyah) meaning “spell, charm, incantation”.

Ruqya is a Muslim baby girl name. You can see Arabic, Bangla, Urdu, Hindi spellings of Ruqya. Also you find more 1,000 top Muslim trendy and unique baby girl names like Ruqya.

Rushadaa is an Arabic name for girls that means rightly guided, on the right path. It is the plural of Rasheed.

The name of Rushada contains within it an intense emotional power that could drive you to put forth great effort to accomplish your ambitions and to do something noteworthy and worthwhile.

Rushadaa is a Muslim baby girl name. You can see Arabic, Bangla, Urdu, Hindi spellings of Rushadaa. Also you find more 1,000 top Muslim trendy and unique baby girl names like Rushadaa.

Right guidance, Maturity, Wisdom, Sensible Conduct.

Knowledge, true path, guidance

Rightly guided, on the right way, following the right path, fem. of Rushdi.

beauty in Arabic.

Beauty, grace, prettiness, comeliness, pleasing appearance.