baby girl names: M
Mahabbat is an Arabic name for girls that means love, affection. It is the plural of Mahabbah.
Mahafrin is a Persian name for girls that means beautiful, literally meaning moon-like, similar to the moon in creation.
Mahak is a Persian name for girls that means little beautiful girl, cute beautiful girl.
Brave, Powerful.
Narrow, tender
Wife of mughal emperor Zahiruddin Baber, mother of Hamayun.
Mahan is a Persian name for girls that means beautiful, radiant, literally meaning moon-like, from the moon.
Mahana is a Persian name for girls that means moon-like, figuratively meaning beautiful.
Mahara is an Arabic name for girls that means skill, talent, expertise.
Beautiful and Radiant
Mahasta is a Persian name for girls that means greatest, most noble, most elite.
The moon’s being
Mahban is a Persian name for girls that means beautiful, radiant, from the words Mah (moon) and ban (guardian), literally meaning moon guardian.
A narrator of Hadith, al-Bahiliyah had this name.
Dear, beloved sweetheart, fem. of Mahboob.
liked well
Mahdah is an Arabic name for girls that means plain, flat land.
Guide, Guided and Guidance
Mahdis is a Persian name for girls that means beautiful, literally means moon-like.
Mahdisa is a Persian name for girls that means beautiful.
Rightly guided, fem. of Mahdi.
Rightly guided
Mahdokht is a Persian name for girls that means beautiful, radiant, literally meaning moon girl, moon-like girl.
Highly skilled, Expert
Mahfam is a Persian name for girls that means moon-colored, thus meaning beautiful and radiant.
Safeguarded, well-protected, fem. of mahfooz.
The protected one
Mahgol is a Persian name for girls that means moon flower, flower of the moon, thus meaning beautiful and radiant.
Life and Alive
Noble, respected
Mahida is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means bringer of ease, one who comforts others, one who makes things even and uniform. It is derived from the M-H26-D root which is used in many places in the Quran.
Fine, subtle, thin, Greatest,related to the moon.
Mahindokht is a Persian name for girls that means moon-like girl, figuratively meaning beautiful.
Skilled, skilful, proficient,Energetic, fem. of Mahir.
Adept, Expert
sun ,Moon,i.e. very beautiful
Mahisa is a Persian name for girls that means moon-like, figuratively meaning beautiful.
Beautiful, brow like the moon
Mahjahan is a Persian name for girls that means most beautiful in the world, worlds most beautiful and radiant woman
Hidden, covered, screened, fem. of Mahjoob.
Mahkamah is a Persian name for girls that means beautiful.
Mahlaa is an Arabic name for girls that means lenient, forbearing.
Face of the moon
From mahala
Moon-like (face).