

Gentle rain

Guardian, protector, fem.

Keeper of the sacred book

Glittering, shining, thin, peaceful, gentle wind.


Hafifah is an Arabic name for girls that means rustle, swish, the sound of wind moving through trees.

Honorific title of a woman

Heedful, mindful

Cub, Wife of Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.and daughter of Hazrat Umar [ra].

A wife of the Prophet (S.A.W),Variant of Arabic Hafsa, meaning ‘gathering.’

 Preserved, protected

Variant of Arabic Hafsa, meaning ‘gathering.’


Variant of Arabic Hajar, meaning ‘forsaken.’

Haibaa is an Arabic name for girls that means greatness, majesty, gravity. It is a variant of Haibah.

Haibah is an Arabic name for girls that means greatness, majesty, gravity, solemnity.

 Haida is a Persian name for girls that means clear, lucid, apparent.

 Haidarah is an Arabic name for girls that means lioness.

Slender, slim, of beautiful body, Variant of Arabic Hayfa,.


 True, truly, obedient of God, prayer of God


Mother of prophet Ismael,Wife of prophet Ibrahim,Immigrant

 Wife of Prophet Ibrahim and mother of Prophet Ismail.

 Hajirah is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means midday heat.It is derived from the H26-J-R Quranic root.

 She was a narrator of Hadith, daughter of Murrah another narrator by the same name was the daughter of Murayt (AN).

 The daughter of Nusayb, she was a poetess. (AN)

Wife of Hazrat Ibrahim .

Hajraa is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means independent, needless. It is derived from the H26-J-R Quranic root.

The wife of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S)

 Prophet Ibraheems 4th and final wife

Wise, Physician sage, judicious, prudent fem. of Hakeem. A Sahabia i.e. a Muslim woman who lived in time of the Prophet Muhammad.

A sage, philosopher, a physician, a doctor.

 Ruler, queen, just.

Wise, judicious

 Sweetness, moon halo, outline of brightness, ring around the eye, aureole, name of the sister of Khadija, the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad.

 Halaa is an Arabic name for girls that means [it/he/she/] became sweet, figuratively meaning sweet, cute, adorable.

 Halaat is an Arabic name for girls that means sword gems, gems that decorate a sword handle.


 Halawah is an Arabic name for girls that means sweetness.

Friend, Companion

Clement, tolerant, gentle,mild-tempered, A patient woman, A wet nurse of the Holy prophet ( peace be upon him), fem. of Halim..

Gentle, Forgiving ,Lady of patience and perseverance, mild tempered.

Aware, knowing.

Friend, or ones who always stay together.

 Dreamer, visionary,soft, Gentle, Foster mother of Prophet Muhammad SAW

Gentle, patient, mild-tempered

Haliyah is an Arabic name for girls that means adorned with jewellery.

Hallamah is an Arabic name for girls that means forbearing, enduring, patient. It also means dreamer.

 Hallumah is an Arabic name for girls that means forbearing, enduring, patient.