

Branch, twig sing. of Ghusoon.

Ghusna is an Arabic name for girls that means little tree branch.

Branches of a tree


Ghuwaidah is an Arabic name for girls that means soft and gentle young woman.

Ghuzail is an Arabic name taken from Turkish that means beautiful

She was also known as Ghuzaylah, she was a narrator of Hadith.

One who is mysterious, mysterious.


Goharnaz is a Persian name for girls that means beautiful, charming.

Goharshad is a Persian name for girls that means happy jewel, figuratively meaning beautiful and happy.

Golab is a Persian name for girls that means rosewater.

 Golafruz is a Persian name for girls that means beautiful.

 Golafshan is a Persian name for girls that means spreader of flowers, distributor of flowers, figuratively means one who brings good things, one who causes good things to happen.

Golala is a Persian name for girls that means tulip, being a shortened form of the the phrase Goleh laleh (tulip flower).

Golan is a Persian name for girls that means flower-like, flowers, figuratively meaning beautiful.

 Golara is a Persian name for girls that means adorned with flowers, one who adorns things with flowers.

Golbahar is a Persian name for girls that means spring flower, figuratively meaning beautiful.

Golbakht is a Persian name for girls that means beautiful and adorable, literally one who has a flowers fortunate, i.e. one who has a flowers share of beauty and charm.

 Golbar is a Persian name for girls that means rose-like, figuratively meaning beautiful.

Golbaran is a Persian name for girls that means rain of flowers, figuratively meaning beautiful.

Golbarg is a Persian name for girls that means flower petal, thus meaning beautiful.

 Golbouta is a Persian name for girls that means shrub flower, a flower from a small tree. Figuratively it means beautiful and lovable.

Golchaman is a Persian name for girls that means lawn flower, grassland flower, figuratively meaning beautiful

 Golcheen is a Persian name for girls that means the best, select, the best of the best.

 Golchehr is a Persian name for girls that means flower-faced, flower-complexioned, figuratively meaning beautiful.

Goldana is a Persian name for girls that means flower, figuratively meaning beautiful.

 Goldar is a Persian name for girls that means owner of flowers, one who has the characteristics of flowers, thus meaning beautiful.

Goldees is a Persian name for girls that means flower-like, figuratively meaning beautiful, gentle.

Goldokht is a Persian name for girls that means flower-like, figuratively meaning beautiful.

Goleen is a Persian name for girls that means rosy, rose-colored, thus meaning beautiful and healthy, young and beautiful.

Golesorkh is a Persian name for girls that means rose, red rose, figuratively meaning beautiful.

Golestan is a Persian name for girls that means land of flowers, an area of land filled with flowers, figuratively it means beautiful.

 Golestana is a Persian name for girls that means land of flowers, an area of land filled with flowers, figuratively it means beautiful.

 Golezar is a Persian name for girls that means flower-faced, flower-like, thus meaning beautiful.

Golfam is a Persian name for girls that means flower-like, flower-colored, figuratively meaning beautiful.

Golfar is a Persian name for girls that means beautiful like a flower.

 Golghees is a Persian name for girls that means beautiful. Literally it means one whose hair smells like flowers.

Goljahan is a Persian name for girls that means flower of the world, figuratively meaning beautiful.

Golkhanda is a Persian name for girls that means one whose smile is like a flower, figuratively meaning beautiful.

Golkhandan is a Persian name for girls that means happy flower, figuratively meaning beautiful and joyous.

Golmehr is a Persian name for girls that means sunflower.

Golnam is a Persian name for girls that means beautiful like a flower.

Golnar is a Persian name for girls that means pomegranate flower, figuratively beautiful.

Golnaz is a Persian name for girls that means beautiful. Its literal meaning is Moss-rose, a type of flower whose scientific name is Portulaca grandiflora.

 Golnisa is a Persian name for girls that means flower among women, thus meaning the most beautiful woman among women.

Golnoush is a Persian name for girls that means everlasting flower, figuratively meaning one who is always beautiful, one whose beauty does not fade.

Golpaikar is a Persian name for girls that means flower-shaped, figuratively meaning beautiful.

 Golpar is a Persian name for girls that refers to a flowering plant known as golpar or Persian hogweed in English (scientific name Heracleum persicum), figuratively meaning beautiful.

Golpara is a Persian name for girls that means flower petal, figuratively meaning beautiful.