baby girl names: D
Aware, knowledgeable
Splendid, glittering.
pearl, brilliant, teat, udder name of a Sahabiyah RA, daughter of Abu Lahab.
Name of a Sahabiyah, daughter of Abu Lahab.
Valuable, expensive, and costly. درسم
Sea, wealthy.
A Slave
Lebanese term for daisy flower, excellence.
Helper, Assistant.
Sea, Ocean and River. Daumaa means sea and ocean, it is a variant of the name Damaa.
Lofty tree with many branches, family tree.
She was from a ruling family
Dawmah is an Arabic name for girls that refers to a type of palm tree native to Egypt (scientific name Hyphaene thebaica).
Dawmat is the Turkish variant of the Arabic girl name Dawmah which refers to a type of palm tree.
Dayana is a Persian name for girls that means gold. The word comes from the Zend/Pazend tradition and is not related to the Roman name Diana.
Divine,God Like
A bird
Obedience, Brocade, Silk.
Cloth of silk
Rainy Cloud
Del is a Persian name for girls and boys that means heart.
Sweetheart, dear or beautiful.
Delara is a Persian name for girls and boys that means beloved, darling. Its literal meaning is one who brings happiness and joy to the hearts of others.
Deldar is a Persian name for boys and girls that means in love, beloved, one who has a lover. It also means brave, courageous. The literal meaning of Deldar is one who has a heart, one who has a sweetheart.
Happy & make others happy
Delnavaz is a Persian name for girls and boys that means one who brings peace and tranquility to the heart, one who consoles the heart. Delnavaz is formed from Del (heart) and navaz (one who consoles, one who comforts).
Delnawaz is the Urdu variant of the Persian girl and boy name Delnavaz which means one who comforts the heart, one who consoles the heart.
Delnaz is a Persian name for girls that means beloved of the heart, darling of the heart.
Delnia is a Kurdish name for girls that means calm, serene, tranquil, one whose heart is at peace.
Delroba is a Persian name for girls that means enticing, captivating, enchanting (i.e. very attractive). The literal meaning of the name is hijacker of the heart.
Delshad is a Persian name for boys and girls that means happy, joyful, cheerful. It is formed from the words Del (heart) and -shad (happy, joyful), thus the literal meaning is happy-hearted.
The Rainy Cloud, Variant of Arabic Dima, meaning ‘downpour.’
Shining like the Sun, brilliant, dazzling.
Derakhshan Name In Arabic : درخشا
Derakhshan Name In Urdu : درخشاں
Derakhshan Name In Hindi : दरख्शां
Derakhshan Name In Bangla : দেরাখশান
Derakhshan is a Muslim Baby girl name, it is from — origin. A name gives you recognizable proof in the society. You convey this distinguishing proof from childhood to the older and last age. Parents accordingly, give careful consideration to pick a reasonable name for their new baby. Derakhshan is a remarkable name with amazing meaning. It has a place with — source. Islamic girl names should be taken from Arabic origin as most of the Muslim names are from this region. The name should have a good meaning and it should be good to pronounce. Muslim baby names with unknown or bad meaning must be avoided. Finding a Muslim baby name that satisfies every one of these characteristics won’t be simple. But we have simplified this task, just browse our website of Muslim baby names and find the best suitable girl name for your baby.
Derakhshandeh is a Persian name for girls that means brilliant, radiant, glowing.
The name comes from Kurdish city Dersim.
One who constantly remembers and glorifies Allah
One who remembers God frequently
A lady with keen perception and a sharp mind, an intelligent lady, Bright.
A lady with a sharp mind and keen perception, intelligent
Splendor or glow.
Name of the sun
Dibaaj is an Arabic name for boys and girls that refers to a type of silk cloth.
The fragrance of soul.
ision, sight.
Captivating, attractive.