

Lady, gentlewoman

Princess, lady, Miss.

The daughter of al-Mahdi, the Khalifah (775-785), had this name.

Survival, immortality, etern

Baqat is an Arabic name for girls that means bouquet (which means bunch of flowers). It is the plural of the Arabic word Baqah.

Eternal, Everlasting and Immortal

One who is everlasting.

one who cure, sahabi name( al baraa ibnu malik)


Baraaem is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means unopened flower bud, figuratively meaning young, fresh, innocent.


Baraha is an Arabic name for girls that means one who has an extremely white and glowing skin.

Pl. of Burum, blossom, bud.

Blessings, abundance


Baran is a Persian and Kurdish name for girls that means rain.

Innocence, guiltlessness.

Barayek is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means blessed.

Innocent, blameless, guiltless, sound fem. of Bari.

Pious, The freed slave of Sayyidina Ayshah RA a well-known women companion, she lived upto the times of Khalifah Yazid bin Muawiyah RA

Barhamah is an Arabic name for girls that means flower bud, which figuratively means young, innocent.

Excelling, originator, Creator, Female of Baari


Beautiful and Witty Woman.

Bloom, be successful

Barikaa is an Arabic name for girls that means persevering, striving. It is a variant of Barikah.

Barikah is an Arabic name for girls that means one who strives, it also means rain that falls continuously.

Lightning, shining or fast.

Faithful , devoted, pious, kind

Bariyya is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means creation, all living things created by Allah. It is derived from Allahs name of al-Baree, the Creator.It is derived from the B-R-Hamz (to create, to be innocent) root which is used in many places in the Quran.

Bariza means prominent, manifest. It is mentioned twice in the Quran, once in the masculine form and once in the feminine form.

Visible and Prominent

Barja is a Persian name for boys and girls that means worthy, deserving, fitting. It also means stable, firmly in place, unshakable.

Of beautiful eyes

A bright star.

Barjees is the Urdu variant of the Arabic boy and girl name Birjees which means Jupiter (the planet).

Bounty, blessing, Abundance, prosperity, blessing, auspicious


Barqah is an Arabic name for girls that means flash of light, one flash of lightening.

She was the wunt of the Prophet SAW, daughter of Abdul Muttalib and mother of Abi Salamah RA also the name of the daughter of Abi Tijarah al-Abdariyah who narrated from the Prophet (SAW)( AN)

Bright, brilliant, shining, sparkling, glittering fem. of Barraq.


She was a narrator of hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah RA

Clear, Eloquent, Lucid and Distinct | Sign and Proof of Allahs Greatness

Beautiful, Prior


Basalah is an Arabic name for girls that means bravery, boldness, courageousness.

Happiness, Laughter, Joy and Delight

She was a slave-girl of Ibn Nafees she was beautiful and had a melodions voice, (AN)
