

Qari is an Arabic name for boys that means reciter, reader, especially a person who recites the Quran.

Another name for God, proximity

Qarni is an Arabic name for boys that means sharp (as an attribution to Qarn with the meaning of sharpness of a sword), bright (as an attribution to Qarn with the meaning first light of day).

Share, Portion

Qaseet is an Arabic name for boys that means just, fair, one who deals with people with justice.

Qasheeb is an Arabic name for boys that means fresh, clean.

Heading somewhere, Crossing somewhere, Close


Courier of the Truth


Portion, Fate, Luck, Take part

Divider, distributor

Qasimi is an Arabic name for boys that means distributor, divider. It is an attribution to Qasim.

Qasimuddin is an Arabic name for boys that means distributor of the faith, meaning a person who judges between people, or distributes things among them, according to the laws of the religion.

Just, Fair

Qasmun is an Arabic name for boys that means good-looking, handsome.

Handsome,Name of a great mujahid(Izzu Deen Al Qassam)

Qaswar is an Arabic name for boys that means lion. It also means strong young man.

Qaswari is an Arabic name for boys that means brave, valiant, like a lion.

 Name of a Sahabi who took part in the battle of Badr.

Name of a companion of the Prophet

A companion

Qateef is an Arabic name for boys that means fruit picker, a person who picks ripe fruit from trees.

Muhammad Ibn Yahya, a studen

Powerful, Strong

Strong, powerful, firm

 Strong, powerful,firm,an attribute of Allah Almighty. Name, abdul Quaawiyy.



Another name for God, immortal

Another name for the Quran

Eternal, everlasting.

One who lives in vast forest.

Judge, justice.

The one who imprison his anger

Qirni is an Arabic name for boys that means capable, able.

Qirtas is an Arabic name for boys that menas paper, sheet of paper, roll of parchment.

Fate, destiny.

Support, prop.

Support of the religion (Islam)


 Leader, General


 Qudaiman is an Arabic name for boys that means brave, bold, courageous.

Qudair is an Arabic name for boys that means decree, reckoning, judgment. It is the diminutive form of Qadar.


Holy, most, pure

Most holy

 Power, might, strength.

Power of Allah.