baby boy names: N
Flower Beds, Blood, name of the kind of Hirah in Arabia, especially of the last, Numan bin Munzir, also name of a Sahabi (AS).
Glad tidings, Happy tidings, good news.
Iranian, Arabic Means “good news” in Persian.
Navid Name In Arabic : نفيد
Navid Name In Urdu : نوید
Navid Name In Hindi : नवीद
Navid Name In Bangla : নাভিদ
Navid is a Muslim Baby boy name, it is from origin. A name gives you recognizable proof in the society. You convey this distinguishing proof from childhood to the older and last age. Parents accordingly, give careful consideration to pick a reasonable name for their new baby. Navid is a remarkable name with amazing meaning. It has a place with source. Islamic boy names should be taken from Arabic origin as most of the Muslim names are from this region. The name should have a good meaning and it should be good to pronounce. Muslim baby names with unknown or bad meaning must be avoided. Finding a Muslim baby name that satisfies every one of these characteristics won’t be simple. But we have simplified this task, just browse our website of Muslim baby names and find the best suitable boy name for your baby.
popular Arab name
Barron, ruler.
High, lofty.
High, lofty
Nawafil is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means extra good deeds, good deeds that go beyond what is prescribed by religion, such as voluntary prayers. It also means gifts, presents.
One who caresses, soothes, Prince, kind, loving and generous, Bestower, Cherishing, Performer.
Nawf is an Arabic name for boys that means greatness, highness.
Flower Beds, Blood, name of the kind of Hirah in Arabia, especially of the last, Numan bin Munzir, also name of a Sahabi (AS), Generous, old Arabic name for the sea.
Nawfan is an Arabic name for boys that means great, high.
Nawhan is an Arabic name for boys that means great, exalted, elevated.
Nawl is an Arabic name for boys that means generosity, nobleness.
Nawras is a Persian name for boys and girls that means young, budding, blossoming. It is used with this meaning in Arabic as well. In Arabic it is also used to mean seagull, which is a type of bird, the word possibly taken from the Persian name for the bird (Nawruzi).
It’s a Kurdish name for boys and girls that refers to the Persian New Years Day, which is the first day of spring (March 21).The word literally means new day, and is the same as the Persian name Nowrooz. The difference is that the Kurdish word Nawroz is used for both boys and girls while Nowrooz used only for boys
Very bright
Nawwab is an Arabic name for boys that means representative, delegate, deputy, vicar, agent. It is the emphasized form of the word Naib.
High, lofty
Nawwar is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means radiant, glowing, brilliant, dazzling, beautiful.
Nawyan is an Arabic name for boys that means intending, aiming for, determined.
Highness and grace
Rare, Precious
Elevated, Highness and grace,Noble
Brave, Strong and Courageous
Nayem is an Arabic name for boys that means calm, tranquil, reassured.
High, excellent, surplus, abundance
High, excellent; surplus, abundance
Bright star, sun.
A vow, promise made to God, a gift, charity, votive offering.
Clean, neat.
Pure, Chaste
Warner, Prophet sent by Allah to warn mankind, a courtier.
Bright, radiant, blooming.
Nazhan is an Arabic name for boys that means virtuous, chaste, one who distances himself from all evil and sin.
Leader, Observer
Pure, clean, innocent, neat and clean, chaste.
Pure, virtuous, just, honest.
Pure, chaste
Clean, Dignity, Honest
Organizer, governor, arranger, adjuster, administrator, director, a
Organizer, governor, arranger, adjuster, administrator, director, a
Arranger, adjuster
Observer, supervisor
Warner of Islam, Warner of the religion, Religious teacher, Nazir (Warner), ud (the), Din (religion)