baby boy names: H
Halyan is an Arabic name for boys that means adorned, figuratively meaning adorned with good manners.
The Thanks of Allah swt
Enthusiasm, fervour.
Praise, laudation of Allah.
The praised one, The one who lauds, extols, variation of the name Muhammad.
Friend, one who remains close.
Hamdat is the Turkish form of the Arabic word Hamdah, which means praise. It is used for boys and girls.
Sympathy, blessing
Of praise, commendable.
All-laudable, Praised, Commended, Commendable, Praiseworthy, An attribute of Allah Almighty
Servant of the All-laudable.
Hameef is an Arabic name for boys that means virtuous, believer in Gods oneness. It is phonetic variant of Haneef.
Intimate friend
protector, Patron, Supporter, defender.
Hameez is an Arabic name for boys that means strong, intelligent, cute, agile.
Protector, Patron, Supporter, defender
Praiser, The praised one, variation of the name Muhammad
Hamidat is the Turkish form of the Arabic name Hamidah. It is used for both boys and girls.
The appreciation of Allah swt
Praiseworthy character
Intimate, close friend, Another name for prophet muhammad
Intelligent, Brilliant, Smart, Sharp, Good thinker.
A person who praises. commends or thanks Allah most.
Strong desire, Active
One who praises (Allah) abundantly, Praising (Allah)
Hammadah is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means one who praises often, especially one who praises God often. It can also be a pet form of names like Muhammad, Mahmud and others.
Hammadi is an Arabic name for boys that means praiseworthy, being a pet form of Muhammad, Mahmud and other names. It can also be considered the attributive form of Hammadah, meaning one who praises, one who praises God.
A great man, a chief, a hero, Energetic, active.
Much praise (to Allah)
Hammuzah is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means lion.
One who praises Allah
Hamool is an Arabic name for boys that means patient, enduring.
Always victorious
Praised, commended, praiseworthy, commendable.
Lion. Name of the Prophet Muhammad’s uncle.
Comrade, companion.
Lion, name of the Prophets uncle
Arabic form of John
Follower of Imam Abu Hanifah
Of happiness
Kind, Compassionate and Tenderhearted
Another name for god, generous, charitable
A Hadith is anrrated by him to the effect that Sayyidina Ali RA Sacrificed two rams on the day of Sacrifice.