baby boy names: H
Director, guide
It’s an Arabic name for boys that means iron, sharp, penetrating. It is derived from the H6-D-D root which is used in a number of places in the Quran.It is also the name of chapter 57 of the Quran. Scholars recommend if you use the name Hadeed, use it for its meaning, don’t use it as a reference to a chapter of Quran
Guiding to the right (truth), One who leads to the right path, guide, one of the names of Allah.
Strong, 57th Surah of the Quran, iron
The sound of thunder
Narration or sayings of prophet muhammad
There have been notable men with this name, for isntance, (i) Abdullah ibn-Abi Ishaq, a Quran reciter of Basrah.
Hafeel is an Arabic name for boys that means plenty, much, great numbers [of something].
Hafeesh is an Arabic name for boys that means true-hearted, candid, devoted, loyal.
Guardian, protector, an attribute applied to Allah Names, Abdul Hafeez.
Haffaz is an Arabic name for boys that means protector, protective. It also means one who memorizes much, especially one who memorizes Quran and spends much time doing this.
The wise one
Guardian, Protector, Name of Allah , Title given to a man who has memorised the entire Quran.
Protector, Caretaker, Memorizing
Remembrance of Allah
Collecting, gathering.
Haib is an Arabic name for boys that means solemnity, seriousness, magnificence, greatness.
A lion, Original name of Hadrat Ali ibn Abu Talib, May Allah be pleased with him.
Haidaru is an Arabic name for boys that means lion. It is a pet form of the name Haidar.
Lion, Title of Hazrat Ali [raa]
Hairaz is an Arabic name for boys that means guardian, protector.
Haizar is an Arabic name for boys that menas lion. It is a phonetic variant of Haidar.
Pilgrim, Title of someone who has performed Hajj.
Doorman, janitor, bailiff, eyebrow, edge, covering, Ibn Hajib was the name of the director of the Bureau of the Sawad under Muizz Al-Dawlah
Hajid is a Arabic name for boys that means one who sleeps. It also means one who prays during the night, one who prays the tahajjud prayer, which refers to a lengthy voluntary prayer that can be performed during the night before dawn.
Hajir is an Arabic name for boys that means migrator, emigrant. It also means noble, excellent.
Orbit, eye socket, Orgument, debate, Ibn-Yusuf the well-known ruler of Iraq had this name.
Of Hajver, a saints name.
Arbitrator, judge, One of the ninety-nine excellent names of Allah
Politics, Leader
Wise, sage, judicious, prudent, one of Gods ninety nine qualities.
Ruler, governor
Intelligent, Wise
Judge, ruler, governor, leader, chief, Wise, one of Gods ninety nine qualities
Ally, confederate
Haleej is an Arabic name for boys that means rain-bearing cloud.
Patient, Tolerant
Halil is an Arabic name for boys that means clear, prominent. It also means happy. It also means pouring rain, a rain that falls heavily and continuously.
Patient, tolerant, clement, Generous, compassionate, composed, tranquil.
Cotton ginner, Al-Husayn ibn Mansur had this name, he was a famous martyr brought up at al-Wasit and grew up as an ascetic and extreme mystic.
Hallam is an Arabic name for boys that means forbearing, enduring, lenient. It also means dreamer.
Halooj is an Arabic name for boys that means cloud that gives off lightning.
Halul is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means pouring, heavy, torrential, a word that describes rain.
Confectioner. This was the name of Ahmad Ibn-Zayd a reciter of the Quran and student of Hadith.