Baby Girl Names




One who is blind ; patron saint of music

One who is blind ; patron


Battle chieftain

Inmythology , one of the daughters of atlas who was turned into a star of the pleiades constell

Inmythology , one of the daughters of atlas who was turned into a star of the pleiades constell

A heavenly daughter

A heavenly daughter

Heaven ; blind

Inmythology , one of the daughters of atlas who was turned into a star of the pleiades constell

Inmythology , one of the daughters of atlas who was turned into a star of the pleiades constell

A heavenly daughter

One who is blind ; patron saint of music

Inmythology , one of the daughters of atlas who was turned into a star of the pleiades constell

A form of kelsey


From chad


Resembling a flower blossom / a blissful woman


One who takes risks

One who takes risks

Candle seller


A form of chanel

A form of chanel

Resembling a flower blossom / a blissful woman


From the canal ; a channel

A form of chanel

An official of the church / resembling a young wolf

Place of stones


Stony place


Stony place

Grace ; charm

Charity grace or kindness

One of the three graces in greek mythology

A short form of charlene

A form of charlene

A form of charlie

A form of charlene

Signifies little and womanly

A form of charlie

Signifies little and womanly

A form of charlie

One who is manly and strong / a free man

One who is manly and strong / a free man